Sunday, 29 July 2012

Injured Kara

Unfortunately, on Linda’s birthday we came down to find 2 of Lizzie's kittens injured. Felix had a broken tail, but, more seriously, Kara, one of the black females, was dragging her back end around. We called the vet and asked him to meet us at his surgery (it being Sunday he was day off). He anaesthetized her, x-rayed, injected with painkillers and antibiotics and diagnosed a broken pelvis. He reckoned they had either been kicked or trodden on. How could anyone do that to a kitten and then just leave it to suffer!!! He gave us 3 choices, he could operate, but it would be tricky with no guarantee of success, he could put her down, or we could confine her in a small space for a fortnight and see if she would mend naturally. We've chosen to go with option 3, and she is now confined to our small downstairs bathroom. Hopefully she'll be OK.
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Linda's birthday

Today is Linda's birthday. Once again we ventured down the beach for a breakfast of pancakes. Whilst there, Fatime and her husband presented Linda with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

That evening, we had a birthday meal at the Meandros, which, as always, was excellent, and they finished the evening off by presenting her with a lovely birthday cake, a gift from the restaurant.
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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Our Park

Once again the park in front of the house has been cleared by the council, with promises of planting, services etc. Nobody would be happier than us if it happens, but don't hold your breath.
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Friday, 27 July 2012


Today we hired a car and all went off to Akbuk to browse the market, before meeting up with friends for lunch in Paşa Restaurant
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Thursday, 26 July 2012


We went sailing in relays today, until all the family that wanted to, had some time on the water ... the weather, especially the wind, was very kind to us ...

while others patiently awaited their turn.

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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Breakfast on the Beach

My brother and family arrived for a visit. We decided the best way to introduce them to the beach was to go down there and have savoury and sweet pancakes for breakfast.

A nice relaxing way to start their holiday.
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Monday, 16 July 2012

Lizzie's kittens are growing

Lizzie's kittens are really growing up fast. These two identical black kittens, Siyah and Kara, are female ..

and the other two are male. This one is Felix ...

and this is Tiger.

Mum is just worn out!!
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Sunday, 15 July 2012

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Uslu at the University Beach

We spent the day with friends at Uslu on the beach in front of the University.

A handy spot to be, as the facilities of the Uni are also available to everyone all through the summer (for a fee).
The pool will cost you 15TL and if you wish to use the restaurant it will cost you 25TL for a three course buffet lunch.

However, we opted for a snack and a drink by the pool in the snack bar.

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Friday, 6 July 2012

Kimberley's Birthday

We went to the Yacht Club at Didim Marina for lunch to help celebrate the 30th birthday of Kimberley ...

she's the pretty one on the right, and her mum, Anne, is the good-looking one on the left.

We had a lovely lunch. Although only two of the group took advantage of the pool,  it did make a stunning backdrop to our gathering.
Many Happy Returns Kimberley!!
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Thursday, 5 July 2012


The year wouldn't be complete would it without a visit to Mavisehir market and a bite to eat as we watch the sun go down.
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Monday, 2 July 2012

A new family moves in

We seem to have new residents at our place, when Thin Lizzie brought the rest of her family and settled down on our patio
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