Friday, 20 April 2012

A walk at Imbat

We took a peaceful walk along the coast between Imbat and Monastir beaches.
There were plenty of flowers to see ...

although we're not sure of the names of all of them.

The walk did help the picnic food go down ... it's so nice now that the seasons are back to normal again. 
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Monday, 9 April 2012

Current State of the Seafront

The pictures tell the story

This is an artist's impression of how it should look ... just a little artistic license methinks!!

However some companies are making an effort to smarten up their premises

But it might not be ready by the date of May 1st as predicted by the mayor.
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Our garden project

Since we've been back we've had a little project on the go 

We removed the stones around the mosaic

and the rocks from the rock garden, and filled in the pond

After covering the pond area with polythene, we then moved all the stones into that section to form a new sitting area, shaded by the bamboo.

 The area around the mosaic was then dug out, and the rocks used as a foundation

The circle was widened to accommodate our little pool and cemented over,

by Mustafa and Hassan

and this is the finished article.

Smart eh?
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