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Out for a walk today on Gaye 2 and met a new friend
This cute little fella belongs to one of our Turkish neighbours and is half English setter.
Doesn't look quite the same in the off-season does it?
If the blossom is anything to go by, then we should have another good crop of peaches this year.
After treating the bottom of the boat with anti-foul and replacing a few ropes and performing other general maintenance on "Gremlyn", today we took the boat down to the water and it had it's launch and also it's maiden voyage of the season.
So once again the sailing season is underway.
A good day to start, with light winds, which gives us the chance to tweak and get things in order. The sun was shining too and we had temperatures up to around 25C
Spring is springing, and this mimosa is looking magnificent.